Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Friday, March 8, 2013

Citadel Pioneers

How many of you are ready to make the move to the beachhead this summer, to move your family and to begin your dream business.

It will not be easy.

You will have a hunting cabin inside the walls, power, utilities, neighbors and the protection of a remote scaled fortress as a middle step to our full Citadel.  You will have your preps.  You will have Miller's factory in the same compound.  You will be expected to be the first III Pioneers to live by the Patriot Agreement.  You may choose to build your own home, or remain in the cabin until the full Citadel is located and ground is broken.

There is more to this question, obviously.  But first, we need to know who is serious and ready to go.

The first wave of people heading to Idaho need to be able to generate your own income - to start your brewery, your distillery, your hunting guide outfitter, whatever business you intend to build - so the question to answer on the poll at right is simple: Are you ready to move this spring/summer and help us build out the beachhead and begin your new life?

In case anyone had a doubt about the reality of the Citadel - that should now be over.



  1. I'm ready to move...can't say about starting a business. I don't need to generate income for myself, I have that covered with my military pension (until such time as the USGov disappears as we know it). Have been contemplating starting up a diner, but that would have to wait until there's a viable customer base in the Citadel. Either way, count me in.

  2. K, I'm ready, I have a wide range biz experience,including residential constuction, welding, portable sawmill and green house food production, plus afew others, just say where and when. I want to be one of the first on the beach head. smport3@yahoo.com

  3. We aren't moving but I'd love the chance to design business graphics for any of you who are (and aren't doing it yourselves).

    Here's hoping someone's planning to start up a "George Killian" like ale brewery or a French-roast type coffee "roastery." Or better yet, both.

    Yours in Liberty,

  4. Already here and already have jobs, getting ready to build this summer and am planning on putting in orchards and gardens and selling at the farmer's market as soon as it's up and running.
    Miss Violet

  5. If you've got high speed internet, how about a founder couple that works entirely from home.

  6. Guess that means me as well ;-) (like I have a choice)

  7. Godspeed and God bless to all who are going. Wish we were, but my tribe will likely never leave these hills. Stay safe and treat each other well.

    And if I show up some day after shtf with an armored convoy of Militia, make sure you save us a spot to park.

    Montani Semper Liberi


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