Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Monday, March 25, 2013

"How many Divisions does the Pope have?" Bloomberg has several...

“I do think there are certain times we should infringe on your freedom,” Mr. Bloomberg said, during an appearance on NBC. He made the statement during discussion of his soda ban — just shot down by the courts — and insistence that his fight to control sugary drink portion sizes in the city would go forth.

"We" means "Masters in Government" to people like the Mayor of NYC.

And he'll take all of your 2A so you can't do a damned thing about whatever infringements he thinks may be appropriate.

There was a time in this nation when such men were smeared with hot tar and covered in feathers by his neighbors to show their disapproval.

Americans today seem unable and unwilling to show disapproval to any infringement or indignity.

Here's the link.



  1. Fuck Bloomberg.

    Fuck Obama.


  2. These power grabbing tyrants should be run out on a rail but I'll accept a pike instead. Vlad the impaler had it right!

  3. What Bob said.
    Miss V

  4. May be a good time to invest in hot tar and feather companies....and I third what Bob said.


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