Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Thursday, March 21, 2013

It is now Spring.

Across America families are getting ready, or have already started, to prepare for their subsistence gardens.  Do you have seed?  We purchased a Patriot Package and are looking forward to learning just what we can do this season on the Citadel beachhead.

If you need more seed - and you know that you do, because one of the most effective weapons of the Enemies of Liberty will be your food supply - load up while you can from Bill at Jebadiah Fisher Seed.

Don't be that guy standing in line at the gun show praying he han buy decent .308 rounds for less than $1.50/round.  You can get seed today, but no man can promise what tomorrow may bring.

Here's the link.



  1. if you want to grow in idaho, better be starting them seeds in the house now! growing season mighty short up there. good luck to ya....hey, is the kings mountain thing still on?

    1. Oh yeah, my tomatoes are already five inches tall and looking great.
      Miss V


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