Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Monday, April 15, 2013

It's time for a counter punch...

Did you know there is a version of Little Red Riding Hood that is banned from particular American school systems, because in one of the images in the book, Red has a bottle of wine in her basket?  I did not know, nor was I surprised to learn of it - the people entrusted with our children are not only immoral, unfit for a free society, but stupid.

There is a new anti-2A group in America, and they tapped a Canadian ad firm to build the ad above, and 2 more that are similar.

Let's face a simple fact: This sort of advertising works.

It works to fire up those who already believe 2A needs to go.  It works to sway the Low Information Voters.  And I dare say it works on a rather large percentage of people like McCain, Manchin and Toomey, and their NRA/Law & Order constituents.

It is time for our side to match the Enemies of Liberty on the PR front of this polygonal battlespace.  The Enemies of Liberty use emotion as a weapon, until they drop all pretense and simply start using direct violence.

The III needs to produce a PSA that I have had bouncing in my head for quite a while.

It is hardcore, emotional, and will make Marxist heads explode in outrage.

It will bring heat.

I have King's Mountain this week, and I am trying to adjust my schedule so I can make it to Brock's PatCon in early May.  Soon after we'll be breaking ground at the Beachhead.

Somewhere in there I will find the time to begin scripting the PSA.

Sebastian had the initial post, here.



  1. Im thinking two women, side by side. One with pants stained yellow, crying, and scared.The other pointing a Glock at the camera, confident, determined. "One of these women is about to get raped. Can you figure out which one?" Bounced a version of that off my girlfriend, she loved it. Brutally honest, blunt, overboard in todays PC crap but gets the job done.

  2. It works to fire up those who already believe 2A needs to go. It works to sway the Low Information Voters. And I dare say it works on a rather large percentage of people like McCain, Manchin and Toomey, and their NRA/Law & Order constituents.

    I guess I agree, but I think the ad asinine:) Lord knows how much they were paid to produce it and think of the good we could have done with the same money.

    Looking forward to the PSA and hope indeed that you are able to make it. Thanks.

  3. Not the most sophisticated graphic-designer, here, but more than willing to lend my helping hand. Patrice S.

  4. They put a GUN into the hands of a CHILD!!!!!! Oh. My. GOD! That CHILD will grow up to be a MASS KILLER because of this ABUSE!

    Or something....


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