Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Monday, April 15, 2013

Right Wing Extremists? Not so much...

Bombs are the weapons of cowards, especially when deployed to target non-combatants.

If the Bitter Clingers ever leave the porch, there will be no doubt about who is on the field.

Men like John Parker would never hesitate to look his enemy in the eye when he decides to attack.

Men like John Parker would never tolerate the willful targeting of non-combatants.

When, if, men like John Parker ever leave the porch again, there will be no mistaking who is fighting whom.



  1. Ah, but this is such a prime opportunity to further demonize "right wing extremists". The "bitter clingers". And Muslim extremists are so yesterday's news, not at all in line with the current agenda...

  2. Bombs are very indiscriminate weapons by their very nature. Even the IRA killed their own, even after calling in the bomb location ahead of time with a warning. To plant one in a crowd of unknowns increases the indiscriminate tendency even more. This seems simply an attempt to kill Americans, any kind of Americans, and cause economic damage (Want to travel to Boston and run in the race?) Smells of turbans or treason. After all, we are the good guys.

  3. Bombs are very indiscriminate weapons by their very nature. Even the IRA killed their own, even after calling in the bomb location ahead of time with a warning. To plant one in a crowd of unknowns increases the indiscriminate tendency even more. This seems simply an attempt to kill Americans, any kind of Americans, and cause economic damage (Want to travel to Boston and run in the race?) Smells of turbans or treason. After all, we are the good guys.

  4. Amen. patriots are not vile, cowardly, or indiscriminate. No self-respecting patriot would ever attack civilians like this. Anyone who attempts to associate this shocking and despicable event with those who believe in Rightful Liberty is either profoundly ignorant, or obscenely corrupt (and those two are not mutually exclusive, either).

  5. is it possible at all that the intention was to cause lower body injuries..? marathon - foot race - psych impact of damages...???? jus'sayin'


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