Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Monday, June 3, 2013

Bonnie Gadsden Reports

Miami Beach LEO felt they were being threatened by a black teenager - holding a puppy.

So, they jacked him.

Do you know how to stop a man from succeeding when he decides to put his hands on you, choke you, chain you up and otherwise force you to rely on the mercy of his good nature?

If you are in this Patriot game, you'd better know how to defeat attempts to put you down.

Blatant, shameless plug: Sign up for my CQB class, and you'll know how to put his face in the pavement.  What you do after that is up to you.  But before you can defend anyone you love, you need to know how to defend yourself.

Here's the link to BG's piece.



  1. Way to go Oathkeepers, you are doing a hell of a job, a hell of a job! Ain't that right Brownie?

  2. Yeah but kid had a "de-humanizing stare!" Have any of you ever had to face THAT?!? Just think....those poor officers....their families ...the horror...
    Good job keeping us "safe".

    1. "Yeah but kid had a "de-humanizing stare!" Have any of you ever had to face THAT?!?"

      Jeesh, raising three daughters, now I realize I should have had combat pay and riot gear.

      Miss Violet

  3. If anyone in the Patriot community still think law enforcement are on our side need to have their head examined...They are out to protect themselves and their status in society and that's it....

  4. The assumption that unarmed black teenagers aren't a threat has planted more than a few naive civilians and pigs- er, LEO.
    -just sayin.

    1. True enough, R, but so has the assumption that one can accurately surmise a threat based on the color of skin, let alone what clothing or badges are worn.

      Really I'd say more have been planted on those false assumptions, but that may be because I don't know many people who don't consider black teenagers a threat. Hell, even the few black teenagers I've known, consider black teenagers a threat.

  5. This has all the characteristics of a Trevon Martin story. Peiople should be cautious in publishing this kind of stuff. Such claims are irresponsible. Do you have any evidence to back up this story or are we to be told this is just another choirboy out for skittles.


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