Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Monday, June 24, 2013

Somewhere in Ohio...

Holly and I decided to break our drive home into 2 days, so we grabbed a motel room for the night.

Here are a few links I found in a few minutes of routine surfing.

CDP: Here

Codrea regarding one of my comments on Beck:  Here

My answer to David's point:  David: Thank you for raising this point for discussion, because you are correct, it deserves more explanation than we had time to give on Beck's show.  You are a professional journalist, so you know all about time restraints, especially with so much ground to cover.

Point One: We all (all of us) follow unconstitutional laws to one extent or another, every day, to the degree each of us chooses to obey or disobey.  Whether one pays his taxes, chooses not to carry an automatic weapon into the local convenience store in open defiance of the obvious unconstitutionality of that "law", to the fact that I, personally, choose to comply with the Federal restrictions imposed on my 2A as a "Prohibited Person".  (Because I read your work, I know you agree that even I, as a federal felon having satisfied my sentence, should have all of my civil rights restored, including 2A, or be banished forever if I am a threat to society.)

We all follow the laws we choose to follow - until we choose to no longer obey.

Point Two: I am certain your journalistic integrity will admit, though you did not include it above, that I noted the hypothetical nature of the question before I answered, and I felt no need to educate that particular audience that the odds of Idaho going anti-2A are nil prior to full-blown counter-revolution, nor did I feel that audience needed me to remind them that such tyrannical attempts to impose absolute disarmament has a clear history in America - we call it the Revolution.  I felt no need to offer Citadel "street cred" regarding our commitment to 2A, given the fact that Jim Miller and his employees will be legally building firearms <I>in the community.</I>  There was no need for a "...not one more inch..." or "Molon Labe" hyperbolic display.

Running around screaming "...not one more inch..." and then surrendering a firearm to LEO or applying for an unconstitutional carry permit is a bit hypocritical, and I don't do hypocritical.

The Citadel is not about Kerodin - it is about thousands of Patriots who are working to push back toward Constitutional respect (by our politicians and fellow citizens.)  My answer to the hypothetical does not invalidate the 2A resolve of ANY of the Patriots supporting the Citadel Project - I think it shows we are committed to Restoration using all of the tools in the Constitutional toolbox.

Peter: I have given you no reason to defend me, and I know you weren't defending "Kerodin", but I do respect the intellectual honesty you showed above.


More tomorrow when I get home.



  1. Sam,

    I'm just as fallible as any human can be, but one thing I try to do is be honest.

    I still don't like how you tore down Mike in order to build yourself up. Mike's reservations about you, in light of his experience, was nothing more than prudence, whether you like it or not. To your credit, you've been doing good stuff since then. No, not merely 'good', exemplary.

    You've chosen a different, yet no less difficult a path than have many of us. This is a good thing, as none of us can know what the best route will ultimately be.

    Keep on going. As I've said before, you'll always find shelter under my roof should you ever need it. And don't worry, if you do/say something that is dumb, I'll be sure to say so.

    1. See, there is the point on which you and I do not agree: You think I tore Mike down for personal gain.

      I don't think I tore him down at all - I simply pointed out facts, defended myself, and "built" myself on my own accomplishments and effort.

      No one is more responsible for Mike's predicaments in life than Mike. I have never once put forth a gratuitous assertion regarding the man - yet he can't say the same.

      But we can agree to disagree. ;)



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