Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Friday, July 5, 2013

American Restoration 101

The British sought more than powder and cannon in Concord.

They wanted "Rebel Leaders" to hang.

The concept of a "Decapitation Strike" is well-documented in our own military, and well-demonstrated historically as a means to quickly ending a fight that includes large numbers of foot soldiers.

Take the head, the body falls.

Wise Patriots understand the premise, and can identify every head of the Hydra within the AO.

Just sayin'...

You can never truly defeat the Hydra, as Hercules discovered, for one head is immortal - Evil never really dies.  Hercules buried the immortal head (after decapitating the rest) and placed a heavy rock atop it, just to add a bit more security.  But the immortal head of the Hydra, and Evil itself, will never die.

But take the heads, and see how fast the body of Tyranny falls...

If we all sweep our own front porch, that's all it will ever take.


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