Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Some of you, a very small number, understand the path above.

Israel understands.

I have others in mind - some of you folks deserve to have him at your back, and he deserves you.  But these are conversations to be had in private, among Patriots.

Israel wrote a post that I will link below.  I'm not linking it because he wrote about me and Holly.  You can replace "Holly & Sam" in that post with any names of any Patriots you know, and then you understand Israel.  I am convinced the ideal in my mind of what America was once, long ago, is still there, in men like Israel - they are simply obscured by the hundreds of slothful parasites for every Israel occupying our republic.

I mentioned the other day that we do not get to choose our blood relatives.

We do get to choose who we call friends, brothers.  Israel is a friend.  I have never met his wife, but I know she's right there.  She and I spoke in email briefly over Christmas.  She knows the man she loves.

All III Patriots are leaning into the future, whether we like it or not.  Israel and his Tribe have all been marked and sit on some bureaucratic list, marked for disposal.  I hope I am with that Tribe on that day.  We may die.  But by damn, we'll die together, and we'll take more than they get.

This Patriot Movement, this "Liberty" stuff, and especially this III Community, is hard.  It is about men and strong women who know how to cover their men's back.  We are the ones the babies in strollers are depending upon, right now, to make sure they are not slaves their entire lives.

For those of you who have dug deep and helped me and Holly to make the III Studio in St Maries the best it can be - thank you.  I owe you.  You call, and I come.  And if you were not able to send a contribution or hit a link on the Amazon wishlist, you are no less my family.  I know most of your hearts.  I know many of you would go without something for yourself just to send me a few bucks - and you know I don't want you to do that.  I have heroes in my life - they live, breathe - they are you.

I got to choose this family.  Holly has also chosen this family. Israel she shared your email exchange from today with me.  She is right, you are more than a brother.

I am a very proud man that each of you choose to be a part of my life, even if you only read my words once in a while.

Israel: Call, and I am there.

Here is Israel's post.


1 comment:

  1. You got your "time to go to work" to do as do I. That can be interpreted as the situation warrants it. None the less, your success will only make us stronger. I see that, I just wish others would. Hence my warning of the post that is to come has been written in my mind about 5 times now. It will be precise. It will be analytical. Most of all it will become the hurtful truth that only true men and women will have a choice to look at themselves in a mirror and make a decision. I have made my peace with God. That journey has been emotional thus far. I have hand picked my allies and that too has been emotional thus far. God has put me at your side. He has the plan.

    Have you been harsh? Have you been in people's faces with words? Have you described "the boogie man" so much so that it made people upset cause they dont want to hear the damn truth? Your damn right you did and I support it, cause I support you. You have every right to be in our faces. Ahem, for you so called Patriots thats the 1st Amendment just in case it's not clear.

    I beleive I didnt choose you. I beleive you didnt choose me. I beleive that in God's plan, we were meant to be what we are. III to III. More than brothers and sisters, more than we can imagine!

    The sands of time are shifting Leonidas, we must be careful in going forth with our choices. I know you are busy and I am as well, but we must find a way to communicate better for the countless Thermopylae's in our future will call some day.

    Lady Liberty needs her Sons and Daughters and Leonidas needs his men. Let us be mindful in that decision.

    III to III,
    Fratris Mei Custos Sum,
    In Liberty,


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