Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Sunday, March 9, 2014

The cost of Liberty must soon be paid...

A Randall knife, owned by a III Patriot. 
In the world of fighting knives, a Randall blade deserves its reputation.
**UPDATE**  J.C. wrote and informed me the knife he is wearing in the load-out picks is also a Randall - a Model #1 that he trusted with his life in Iraq.


The fighting knife above tells a story with every sign of age and use.  It reveals something of its owner, as well.  That knife has done work in its lifetime, and remains strong, ready to defend its owner. 

War to the knife, knife to the hilt...

Randall knives are all custom built, and like a good 1911, will live longer than the owner if treated with respect.  Such weapons can be passed from father to son, to protect lives through generations.  How good are Randall blades?  Order one today, and it is anticipated you will receive your order in May, 2017.

Choose your weapons and your gear carefully.  Respect it, and it will see you through.

J.C. Dodge at Mason Dixon Tactical has a post tonight exploring options for how to carry your gear on ops.  This is a topic that fighters approach from many perspectives.  While there is no perfect, right for everyone way to load out, there are certainly wrong ways to be avoided.  I encourage you to read J.C.'s column, here.

The time has come for Americans to set aside hobbies, fun, and the frivolous. 

It is time that Patriots must now turn full attention to the gear and weapons and duties of the Minuteman.  The price of Liberty is being demanded of us, right now.


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