Our SHTF Go Bag book is moving forward in low gear.
This project is one that requires considerable time from my end to get it done properly and professionally, so I'll be taking my time to make sure we turn out a good final product.
Anyone who has not contributed an article on their go-to longarm and/or sidearm may submit. 600 words or so, a few original images of you or your firearm or your wife/kid with the piece, or just the firearm, just something visual that adds to the article. Your pic must be high resolution or it won't work, so set your "Image Quality" to the highest setting and make sure you shoot in good light.
Any III Patriots with businesses that would benefit by reaching the III, Survivalist, Prep & general gun community, let me know and we'll get you worked into the book.
One of the reasons it takes a while for this type project is commercial interest. Big companies have been supportive of the project, but they want to see what is essentially a Proof copy, and then they have to go through their own internal process to decide if/how they will contribute.
More as this develops, folks.
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